Caroline Cass



Publishing Timeline 

To Catch the Sun

- 2024

This book tells the story of a Kenyan childhood among the Maasai and wild game during the 1950s. Caroline Cass’ strongest memories are of limitless freedom and adventure. Five years after moving to Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) at the age of 18, she married an American journalist. Off they went to live in America, a memorable time of Vietnam War protests and Watergate. Through a patchwork of tales, flickering through six generations of her family, she writes of the many memorable places she has passed through. Racing crocodiles across the Zambezi, falling in love, prayer breakfasts with Nixon, wearing a burqa and learning to shoot a Kalashnikov: all form part of the saga.

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Faru The Little Rhino

– 2015

Caroline Cass grew up in Africa when it was teeming with rhino, elephant and lion. Since the decline in their population due to poaching she feels it is vital that young children all over the world are made more aware of what is happening to these special animals. Faru the Little Rhino is the story of a young black rhino who loses his mother and goes on a quest to find out why there are so few rhino around. He travels round the world telling people his story and asking them to help before it is too late. There are currently only 4,000 black rhino left in Africa - last year in south Africa alone 1,215 rhinos were killed for their horns. If the slaughter goes on at the present rate there will soon be no rhino left in the wild for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.

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The Plant Hunter's Tale

– 2012

Many of the beautiful exotic plants we now admire were discovered by intrepid plant hunters who travelled the world in search of new species. The royal patronage at Kew ensured those plants that survived the difficult journey and thrived in the home climate would become wildly fashionable and sought after. The more unusual and rare a plant, the more valuable it would be to the plant hunter who found it. Lured to a remote Himalayan kingdom by the persistent rumour of a unique flowering plant with a fragrance beyond compare, Rullie Montrose, a young botanist and plant hunter, sets off for India in 1856. Deep in the mountains, he finds himself pulled into a darkly enchanted land ruled by Zafran Khan, whose beautiful daughter, as silently seductive as the flower itself, plays a dangerous role in Rullie's quest. Caroline Cass has written an enchanting tale of love and intrigue which will delight every reader with a thirst for adventure and the unexpected.

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Elton John's Flower Fantasies

– 1997

Elton John's Flower Fantasies is a celebration of Elton John's passion for flowers - apparent both in his garden, designed by Rosemary Verey and Sir Roy Strong, and in his exquisitely appointed homes, where carefully orchestrated floral displays are created each week. The book follows a year of his floral arrangements.

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Joy Adamson: Behind The Mask

– 1992

A portrait of one of Kenya's best-known conservationists. This biography explores in depth her difficult and tempestuous marriage to the wild man of the bush, George Adamson. It also traces one of the most remarkable relationships ever recorded between human and animal: Joy and Elsa, the lioness.

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Grand Illusions: Contemporary Interior Murals

– 1988

This immaculately presented volume examines one of the most attractive and exciting forms of interior decoration: mural and 'trompe-l'oeil' painting. The work of more than 40 of the best contemporary artists on both sides of the Atlantic is shown to the full in the magnificent, specially commissioned photography of Tom Leighton. 

Since the vast majority of these works decorate private houses or buildings, Grand Illusions signifies the first time they have ever been seen by a wider public. The series of murals depicted includes the most exquisite works from throughout the United Kingdom and the United States today, characterized by unique historical significance and artefactual value as well as overwhelming beauty. 

Grand Illusions is the only current book to feature the foremost murals of the West by contemporary artists in such depth of view and breadth of scope.

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